We are happy to announce the program of the workshop.
All times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), which correspondes to GMT+11/UTC+11.
08:50 AM | Icebreaker and mingling Chairs: All of OC |
09:00 AM | Welcome to the Workshop Chairs: Mark Billinghurst (onsite), Hai-Ning Ling (remote), Christoph Anthes (remote) |
09:10 AM | Paper Session #1 Chair: Uwe Gruenefeld (remote) Applications and Collaborations 1. Driving Cross-Reality Experiences for Future Mobility (Andreas Riegler, Ye Eun Song and Tamara von Sawitzky) 2. Affordance Guided User Elicitation of Interaction Concepts for Unimodal Gaze Control of Potential Holographic 3D Uis in Automotive Applications (Maryia Kazhura, Bea Vorhof and André Calero Valdez) 3. Cross-Device Augmented Reality for Fire and Rescue Operations Based on Thermal Imaging and Live Tracking (Theodoros Chalimas and Katerina Mania) 4. Supporting Artefact Awareness in Partially-Replicated Workspaces (Emran Poh, Anthony Tang, Jeannie S.A. Lee and Shengdong Zhao) 5. Visual Metaphors for Notification Into Virtual Environments (Fabian Pointecker, David Oberögger and Christoph Anthes) 6. An Asynchronous Hybrid Cross Reality Collaborative System (Hyunwoo Cho, Bowen Yuan, Jonathon Derek Hart, Eunhee Chang, Zhuang Chang, Jiashuo Cao, Gun Lee, Thammathip Piumsomboon and Mark Billinghurst) 7. Exploring the Use of Mobile Devices as a Bridge for Cross-Reality Collaboration (Rishi Vanukuru and Ellen Yi-Luen Do) 8. Exploring Collaboration for Data Analysis in Augmented Reality for Multiple Devices (Judith Friedl-Knirsch, Christian Stach and Christoph Anthes) |
10:10 AM | Coffee Break |
10:25 AM | Paper Session #2 Chair: Yue Li (onsite) Visualizations, Tools, and Challenges 1. The Actuality-Time Continuum: Visualizing Interactions and Transitions Taking Place in Cross-Reality Systems (Jonas Auda, Sarah Faltaous, Uwe Gruenefeld, Sven Mayer and Stefan Schneegass) 2. HOCTOPUS: An Open-Source Cross-Reality Tool to Augment Live-Streaming Remote Classes (Luca Asunis, Andrea Cirina, Lorenzo Stacchio and Gustavo Marfia) 3. Serious Cross Reality - Using CR to Enhance Analytics Workflow (Nanjia Wang, Sze-Wing Chan, David Aigner, Omar Addam, Christoph Anthes and Frank Maurer) 4. Colibri: A Toolkit for Rapid Prototyping of Networking Across Realities (Sebastian Hubenschmid, Daniel Immanuel Fink, Johannes Zagermann, Jonathan Wieland, Harald Reiterer and Tiare Feuchtner) 5. Uncertainty Unveiled: Revealing the Uncertainty of Distribution Visualization Through Cross Reality (Alexander Gall, Anja Heim, Bernhard Fröhler and Christoph Heinzl) 6. Reality Stack I/O: A Versatile and Modular Framework for Simplifying and Unifying XR Applications and Research (Florian Kern and Marc Erich Latoschik) 7. Promises and Design-Challenges of Mobile Transitional Interfaces (Daniel Schacht and Hans-Christian Jetter) |
11:20 AM | Brainstorming: Identifying Challenges in CR Chair: Christoph Anthes (remote) |
11:45 AM | Clustering Challenges and Discussion Chairs: All of OC |
12:00 PM | Lunch Break |
01:00 PM | Breakout Sessions: Round #1 Chairs: Individual Hosts |
01:30 PM | Breakout Sessions: Round #2 Chairs: Individual Hosts |
02:00 PM | Coffee Break |
02:15 PM | Breakout Sessions: Round #3 Chairs: Individual Hosts |
02:45 PM | Presentation of Breakout Findings Chairs: Individual Hosts |
03:05 PM | Discussion, Wrap up, and Next Steps Chairs: Christoph Anthes (remote), Hai-Ning Ling (remote), Mark Billinghurst (onsite) |
03:30 PM | End of Workshop |
Each deadline expires at 23:59:59 (AoE)